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Bahrain Defence Force Concludes Participation in Joint GCC Drill in Kuwait

The Bahrain Defence Force (BDF) has concluded its participation in the joint Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) drill, “Takamul 1” (Integration), carried out along forces from GCC member states and the Joint Peninsula Shield Force.

The drill was held in line with the directives of GCC leaders to continue activating the frameworks of military cooperation among GCC armed forces.

It is also based on the resolutions of the GCC Joint Defence Council to strengthen joint action among the armed forces of GCC countries so as to be able to face various challenges and threats, as well as safeguard the stability, security and achievements of GCC states.

Through its participation in the joint drill, the BDF aims to increase harmony, enrich command and combat experiences, raise levels of military efficiency, and enhance coordination to embody the cohesion and joint cooperation of the GCC armed forces, by implementing military plans to deal with the exercise that simulate the potential challenges of joint military action at combat fields.


Bahrain News Agency

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