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Bahrain crowned best place in region for expats

Bahrain remains the best place in the Gulf region for expats to live and work despite the Covid-19 pandemic, according to the latest InterNations Expat Insider survey.

While the pandemic has caused expats around the world to cut their time abroad short and return home, nearly a third of respondents in Bahrain said they have no immediate or future plans to return home due to the global crisis.

The InterNations survey showed Bahrain ranked highly across key indicators including quality of medical care, political stability, ease of settling in, and job satisfaction.

Just over 80% of expats in Bahrain are happy with medical care quality, compared with 71 percent globally while 84% are happy with the country’s political stability compared to 64% globally.

Moreover, 77% of expats said they feel at home in the local culture (versus 63% globally), and 70%said it is easy to settle down in Bahrain (versus 62% globally). Bahrain ranks fifth in the world for ease of settling in.


Arabian Business
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