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Bahrain: COVID-19 Safety Measures in Beaches Issued

The Minister of Health has issued a decision regarding the health requirements to be applied in facilities that contain beaches to control and prevent the spread of Coronavirus.

The resolution specified the obligations to be followed by the administration of the facility that manages the beach. The facility management must use visual signs to showing the one-way path at entry and exit points, and ensure the maintenance of social distancing at all times.

Visual signs must be displayed indicating the maximum number of people in one group which is (5 persons), direct the beach goers (whether individually or in groups) to maintain a distance of (2) meters between them, and rearrange the seats to maintain safe distances and reduce direct contact.The decision stressed upon the closure of bathrooms, saunas, changing rooms and other common areas (except for toilets) until further notice. The administration must ensure that the toilets are completely cleaned and sanitized after each use, electronic devices must be cleaned while leaving work, and ensure disposal of personal items used by the beach goers and garbage disposal correctly in the trash cans on a regular basis.

The decision called on facilities to clean and disinfect all facilities according to health guidelines, and disinfect used equipment and tools for daily rental after each use, the facility managers must wash towels with warm water, at a (80) degrees or more, below the boiling point.


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