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Bahrain: COVID-19 positive female detainees in stable condition

Assistant Chief of Public Security for Operations and Training Brigadier Shaikh Hamad bin Mohammed Al Khalifa announced on Thursday that female deportees who were tested positive of COVID-19 are in stable condition and receive medical care per the accredited medical protocols. He confirmed that no one of them is in critical condition. 

The Assistant Cheif is also head of a committee formed by His Excellency Interior Minister to investigate the discovery of COVID-19 cases among some female at the Deportation Centre of the Nationality, Passports and Residence Affairs (NPRA).

He revealed that the committee visited the centre to ensure the implementation of health and precautionary procedures, in which the positive cases were transferred for treatment, and the remaining detainees were quarantined at Hidd Quarantine Centre and the required steps, including disinfection operations, were taken. 

He highlighted that among the reasons for the delay in deporting the females are that some airports are closed because of the coronavirus pandemic and the refusal of some countries to receive their citizens. He highlighted that two new buildings were allocated to avoid overcrowding and reduce the chances of the spread of COVID-19 among the deportees. 


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