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Bahrain: COVID-19 patients with no symptoms may self-isolate at home

Bahrain has decided to provide asymptomatic coronavirus patients with an option to self-isolate at home starting from Sunday 07 June, 2020. Such patients need not necessarily remain in hospitals or quarantine facilities.

Positive cases will be directed to the Shamel Field Hospital (Comprehensive Disability Center) for triaging and assessment. Patients who meet the set criteria and opt to self-isolate at home will be issued an electronic bracelet and receive the needed medical supplies for the isolation period. This will include masks, sterile gloves, and basic medications if required.

All asymptomatic cases under home self-isolation will be monitored daily by health professionals and the “BeAware Bahrain” app. The home self-isolation period is 14 days and a ‘Self-Isolation Exit Test Appointment’ will be required in order for patients to be officially discharged. The patient must report if there are any symptoms developed during this period.

The following is the set criteria for the optional home self-isolation:

  • Patients under 60 years of age
  • Patients with no underlying chronic illnesses
  • Patients who are asymptomatic, or with mild symptoms, and those not living with individuals with low immunity
  • Patients must have access to a secluded area at the place of residence
  • Patients who understand they must vigilantly follow the home self-isolation guidelines

The home self-quarantine measures will also be applied to those living in the same residence, and will follow the guidelines for contacts of active cases, which include the following:

  • An appointment must be scheduled for testing
  • Contacts of active cases must ensure they do not interact with others and do not leave their residence.
  • Should there be an urgent need to leave the residence, masks must be worn when in public settings
  • An Exit Test must be conducted after 14 days.

Those self-isolating must not interact with others at all times, use a separate room and bathroom, must not share personal tools and utensils, observe personal hygiene, regularly wash their hands with soap and water, wear protective masks in case of leaving the house for an emergency, dispose of waste within a separate trash bag, and ensure the waste is not added to household waste until 72 hours have passed.


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