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Bahrain: COVID-19 inspections show 51 restaurant, café violations

The Public Health Directorate at the Health Ministry has referred 51 restaurants and cafés to the competent legal authorities for flouting the mandatory precautionary measures recommended by the National Medical Taskforce for Combating COVID-19.

During inspection visits to 288 restaurants and cafés yesterday, the Food Control Section’s inspectors stressed the need to fully comply with the precautionary measures recommended by the National Medical Taskforce, including mainly the closure of those outlets except for delivery and takeaway services.

 The Health Ministry said that the restaurants and cafés facing legal actions had violated the procedures and terms stipulated in the ministerial edict 51 of 2020 on mandatory health protocols at restaurants and cafés to limit the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The restaurants and cafés which were found in breach of the mandatory precautionary measures were referred to competent legal authorities, while owners of outlets with minor violations were warned to rectify their irregularities immediately in compliance with the mandatory precautionary measures.

The Public Health Directorate at the Health Ministry called on everyone to continue their commitment and spirit of high responsibility, and to immediately report any violations they may spot.



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