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Bahrain court acquits therapist of molesting three girls

The High Criminal Court has acquitted a physiotherapist of molesting three girls who were friends, deeming their story and allegations unbelievable as they were already patients at his clinic at the time of the alleged incident.

According to court files, the physiotherapist came to Bahrain to gain experience and launch a clinic. The trio trained under his supervision, but they eventually accused him of sexually abusing them. However, the defendant’s lawyer presented exchanged messages between one of the trio, and she expressed her love and appreciation to him at the time they claimed he molested them.

It was discovered that one of the plaintiffs was planning to launch her own clinic to compete with the defendant. The court also viewed the CCTV cameras installed in the clinic and it was found that the situation was completely normal and the plaintiffs were freely roaming around it.

The defendant’s lawyer told the court that the messages were enough to acquit his client, as if the incidents were true she would have poured him with insults and bad words. He also indicated to the fact that they trained under him for four months before leaving. As a result, the court dropped the charges against the defendant.


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