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Bahrain: Coronavirus Claims Among Jaw Inmates Denied

The National Institution for Human Rights (NIHR) denied yesterday allegations that there are inmates infected with the coronavirus (COVID-19) at the Correction and Rehabilitation Centre at Jaw Central Prison.

NIHR chairperson Maria Khoury commented: “Following our assessment of the measures taken towards inmates and security men, I can say that the centre’s management is dealing with the situation in accordance with the international standards recommended by the World Health Organisation to prevent the spread of the virus among inmates.”

A medical staff is available to provide medical care and necessary services, she added.

“I confirm that there is no coronavirus case among the inmates and that everything rumoured in this regard has no basis whatsoever on the ground,” she said.

NIHR deputy chairperson Khalid Al Shaer said the precautionary measures followed by the centre’s management were ideal and followed internationally recognised standards. “Inmates can also make video calls in compensation for the regular visits that had been suspended as a precautionary measure to protect the health of all”. he said.

Those who seek information about the situation, need assistance or wish to report complaints, can avail of the hotline provided by the institution, he added.


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