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GCC CountriesBahrain

Bahrain: Cold Weather & Very Strong Winds To Continue

The Meteorological Directorate forecasts very cold weather with some clouds and rising sand in places.

Wind: Northwesterly, 17 to 22 knots reaching 25 to 30 knots at times

Warning: Very strong winds and rough seas

Temperatures: Maximum 15 degrees Celsius and minimum 10 degrees Celsius.

Humidity: Maximum 65% and minimum 30%

Sea waves: 2 to 4 feet inshore, 4 to 8 feet offshore

Tides at Mina Salman: High at 7:21 pm and 7:22 am; low at 1:30 am and 1:50 pm

For further information and updates: www.bahrainweather.gov.bh


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