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GCC CountriesBahrain

Bahrain: Car Parking Cause Road Blocks

The phenomenon of blocking inner roads and tight neighborhoods by cars in residential areas is spreading and has become a bad habit. Pictures taken from various areas in Bahrain show narrow paths in residential neighborhoods blocked by cars.

Asking about the reasons for that quick-spreading phenomenon, residents of the area said that it varied between the scarcity of parking, the increase of urban areas, population density, and laziness.

They explained that some were lazy enough to park in spacious car parking available in the same area but a bit far away from the residential buildings. They added that most residents prefer to park near their buildings even in the wrong way out of laziness.

One resident said that many residents avoid filing complaints against violators to the concerned authorities in order to prevent rivalry and fights. Therefore, he noted, there must be traffic patrols in residential areas to control and solve this phenomenon and to preserve the right of citizens and residents to use the public street,

Citizen Abdullah Al-Shomali told that this chaos existed because of the absence of supervision and the refusal of residents to submit file complaints to concerned authorities. He encouraged all to file complaints describing that as required to preserve the general right and to prevent the spread of the chaos.


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