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Bahrain: Capital Municipality Removes 50% Of Abandoned Vehicles From Streets; Notice Served to 228 Owners

Half of the abandoned cars that had been occupying the streets and public squares of the Capital Governorate have been successfully removed during the first quarter of this year, officials there said. The inspection team of the governorate had served notices to 228 car owners between January and April 2023, resulting in positive outcomes.

Out of the total number of notices issued, 123 owners took prompt action and removed their vehicles. Additionally, municipal officials played their part by removing ten vehicles themselves. As for the remaining 95 vehicles, the removal process is currently underway, according to officials.

The abandoned cars had been causing numerous difficulties for citizens, residents, and traffic as they occupied public roads and open spaces. Municipal authorities emphasised that these vehicles not only obstructed the smooth flow of traffic but also had a detrimental impact on the overall appearance and urban environment of residential areas and neighbourhoods.

The Capital Municipality called upon both citizens and residents to strictly adhere to the provisions outlined in Article 7 of Law No. 10 of 2019 concerning public cleanliness. This law has been enacted to foster a safe and pollution-free environment in the face of rapid urban and population growth.

Of particular importance, the law explicitly prohibits the dumping of vehicles and any form of scrap on streets, sidewalks, public squares, and beaches. Officials said efforts are ongoing to address the remaining abandoned vehicles, and it is anticipated that further progress will be made in removing them from the Capital Governorate.


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