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Bahrain: Bill to Pay Private Sector Salaries in Consideration

A draft-law concerning paying the salaries of all private-sector employees for three months (April, May and June 2020) is in consideration.

Finance and National Economy Minister, Shaikh Salman bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, today held a distant meeting, along with Labour and Social Development Minister, Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, with the Representatives Council’s Services Committee Chairman, MP Mamdooh Abbas Saleh, and members.

The meeting focused on a draft-law concerning paying the salaries of all private-sector employees for three months (April, May and June 2020), worth BD 215 million, from the unemployment fund, following constitutional procedures and in line with the Social Insurance Law.

The bill was referred to the Legislative Branch, as a matter of urgency, following its approval by the Cabinet, in accordance with Article 87 of the Constitution.

The Finance Minister asserted that the bill is part of the decisions and measures accompanying the BD 4.3 billion- stimulus package approved in accordance with the Royal directives to unify national efforts to confront the effects of the global outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19) at the local level to protect the health and safety of the citizens and residents.


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