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GCC CountriesBahrain

Bahrain Bans Fishing and Selling of Shrimps

Fishing and sale of shrimps caught in the territorial waters of Bahrain are now prohibited for six months. This came as the Minister of Works, Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning, Eng. Esam Khalaf issued Resolution No. (18) for the year 2020 regarding the ban on fishing and selling shrimp, which came into effect from February 1 and lasts to July 31st.

The first article of the decision stated that it is prohibited to catch shrimp in the territorial waters of the Kingdom of Bahrain from February 1 to July 31 of each year, while the second article states that “it is prohibited to have nets, tools, machines or any means on board boats in the designated areas as well as boat docking areas if the purpose is to catch shrimp during the validity period of the ban referred to in Article 1 of this decision. 

Article 3 of the decision indicated that it is forbidden to display and trade fresh, chilled, frozen, and unprocessed shrimp in markets and public places for the purpose of marketing or selling, during the period of validity of the ban established in accordance with the provisions of the decision. 

Article 4 clarifies that whoever violates the provisions of this resolution will be punished with the penalties stipulated in Decree-Law No. (20) of 2002 regarding the regulation of fishing, exploitation, and protection of marine wealth.

In an official statement, Khalaf said that the decision is made to preserve marine wealth and allow the recovery of stocks in Bahrain to achieve sustainable development of marine resources.


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