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Bahrain arrests 4 men for jewellery theft worth BD23,000

Four men on their run with spoils worth BD 23,000 after hitting a gold store in the Capital Governorate landed in the police net in less than four hours. The jewellery heist, pulled off as planned by the suspects, went awry when police jumped into action after receiving an alert.

Police officers, who immediately started investigating the robbery, also started scouring through security camera footage, hoping to find a clue to catching the suspects who were already on the run. Soon police patrols were given alerts to look out for the suspects. Meanwhile, two of the suspects, unsuspecting of the trap set, reached the Bahrain International Airport in a bid to flee the country.

However, airport police waiting there swooped on the suspects and took them into custody. After interrogating the suspects, police also managed to spot the two others involved in the heist and record their arrest.



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