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Bahrain: ARIG records loss of $3.62 million for first-half 2020

Bahrain based Arab Insurance Group (ARIG) slipped into the red, with losses of $3.62 million for the first six months of 2020 against a profit of $9.53 million last year. The latest hit was brought on by investment losses.

The insurance giant reported a steep decline in gross written premiums, which went into negative, at $12.61 million against $171.74 million for first-half 2019. That drop was immediately reflected on the bottom-line.

With the COVID-19 related costs and claims mounting, insurers could be in for a tough second-half.

“The Board of Director and management has been closely monitoring the impact of COVID-19 development on operations and financial position, including possible loss of revenue, impact on asset valuations, impairment, etc.,” the insurer said in a statement.

“The Group has put in place contingency measures, which include – but are not limited to – enhancing and testing of business continuity plans.”


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