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GCC CountriesBahrain

Bahrain: Airport Staff Arrested for Spreading Rumours on COVID-19

A person who intentionally spread rumours about a soon-to-happen curfew was arrested, announced the Ministry of Interior.

The arrested, who claimed to be a staff in the Bahrain International Airport (BIA), stated in a voice note that went viral claimed that a curfew will be officially applied soon and urged all to store food.

In the voice note, he added that Muharraq island, in which the airport is located, would be isolated as an official procedure. He noted that the company he worked with rented a residential building to accommodate staff who stay outside Muharraq. He concluded with pieces of advice of buying food as much as possible and not to share the voice note as it was exclusive for his group of friends.

In the same regard, a Bahraini and an Arab expatriate were referred to the Public Prosecution for promoting rumours. They were charged with promoting rumours affecting civil peace and harming public security, against the backdrop of national efforts to curb the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19).

It is noteworthy that the Ministry of Interior has earlier announced that all legal procedures will be taken against everyone who commits such acts. It urged all that information should be drawn from its official sources and not pay attention to the circulating rumours.



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