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Bahrain: 968 vehicle visibility violations recorded in one month

A total of 968 vehicle visibility violations – mostly pertaining to heat control and window protection films – were recorded in the month of June, the General Directorate of Traffic announced on its official social media platforms.

The General Directorate of Traffic stressed the importance of installing thermal insulators and window tints for vehicles in a manner that meets the requirements and specific standards and which are not darker than 30%.

This comes as part of a law enforcement campaign in line with efforts to enhance traffic safety under the slogan “Summer Without Accidents”.

The directorate said that it would continue to implement its legal campaigns which include ensuring the safety of vehicles and ensuring that all traffic regulations are followed.

The directorate has recently taken to rewarding drivers who have carefully followed all traffic regulations as part of its “Thank You” initiative by providing them with coupons and services for their vehicles.


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