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Bahrain: 74 defendants jailed, fined for violating COVID-19 health protocols

74 defendants received sentences ranging from three-month imprisonment and fines between BD 1000 and BD2000. The court also ordered the deportation of an expatriate, the Chief Prosecutor of ministries and public institutions said.

The defendants were accused of flouting safety rules to curtail the spread of the novel coronavirus.

The Public Prosecution received 45 notifications on violating ministerial decisions mandating visitors of public places and commercial outlets to wear face masks, adhere to social distancing, avoid more than five-person crowds in roads and public places and comply with the safety regulations in hair and beauty salons, restaurants, coffee shops and establishments containing swimming pools.

The regulations also mandate to abide by the guidelines regarding sports activities in health clubs, sports academies and outdoor stadiums.

The Public Prosecution launches an investigation and ordered the defendants to be referred to the criminal court which issued its afore-mentioned rulings.



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