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Bahrain: 67% of Positive Cases are Bahrainis, Indians Follow With 18%

Citizens are the most number of people infected in Bahrain, according to the Ministry of Health’s contact tracing data. The Bahraini community are being hardest hit as the coronavirus pandemic reaches the country.

Out of the 755 recorded, 507 positive cases are Bahrainis and 248 are expats. Among these cases are mostly people and contacts with travel history. Indians follow with 135 cases, and then other nationalities with 72 cases. Bangladeshi people are the least with 41 people infected.

Here’s the breakdown of infected cases in Bahrain, according to their country of origin

Indians make up the second-highest group of people affected, after Bahrainis. This is not a surprise as Indians form the biggest expat community in Bahrain. Meanwhile, 5% of the affected cases are Bangladeshi. The remaining 10% coronavirus patients are of different nationalities.

The table shows the number of cases in Bahrain, classified by nationalities. The information was based from the Ministry of Health’s contact tracing data.

Most of the infected expats are from the already quarantined labour camp. The most recent one being the 41 infected expat workers on 7th April from a housing in Hidd.

The public is urged not to panic as the government is continuously taking necessary measures to maintain the safety of Bahrain’s residents. With one of the highest recovery rates in the world, Bahrain has emerged as a leader in the fight against COVID-19.


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