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Bahrain: 3,403 domestic workers run away from employers

The Labor and Social Development Minister, Jameel Humaidan, confirmed according to the latest statistics, a total of 3,403 runaway domestic workers.

Humaidan confirmed that 1,693 complaints were received against Ethiopians, 562 against Indonesians, 527 against Kenyans, 217 against Filipinos, 150 against Indians and 106 against Bangladeshis, 62 against Sri Lankans, 40 against Ugandans, 24 against Ghanaians, 17 against Pakistanis, four against Nepalese and one against a Cameroonian domestic worker.

According to the Minister, out of the total number of complaints received by the Ministry, 550 were settled amicably by rectifying the situations of the runaway workers, while 257 have been dropped by the employers.

Out of the 550 cases settled by rectifying the workers’ situations, 542 workers were repatriated, while the remaining eight were registered under other employers, the Minister explained.


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