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Bahrain: 29 agencies shut down for operating without license

29 agencies were busted and closed for functioning without licenses to provide hourly domestic labourers, according to the Labor Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA)’s statement.

LMRA added that 53 violating domestic labourers were discovered working for these illegal agencies.

Director of the Preventive Inspection Department at the LMRA, Ahmed Al-Junaid pointed out that among the 53 violating domestic labourers, 4 are wanted by the law. 

Al-Junaid revealed that the total number of violating agencies during the last three months amounted to 58, while the total number of violating workers was about 131.

He confirmed that the legal measures have been taken against these agencies and workers and they have been referred to the concerned authorities for taking the necessary action.

He noted that, with the new restructuring, the LMRA has formed a new team to monitor, follow up, and document any violating activity.


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