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Australia: Class-Action Suit Launched Against Government Over COVID Vaccine Injuries

Authored by Daniel Y. Teng via The Epoch Times

As reports of vaccine injuries gain traction globally, an Australian doctor is leading a new class action against the federal government and key medical figures. Queensland GP Dr Melissa McCann has filed the action in the Federal Court of Australia on behalf of 500 complainants. The action targets the federal government, Dr Brendan Murphy, the Chief Medical Officer, and Prof. John Skerritt, the public face of the Therapeutic Goods Administration—the country’s drug regulatory body.

The main thrust of the claim is that the government’s actions in promoting the use of COVID-19 vaccines were “negligent or wrongful” and resulted in personal injury, medical expenses, and economic loss for the claimants. The Australian government operates a vaccine injury compensation scheme that has, thus far, paid out over $7.3 million (US$4.87 million) to 137 claimants. It has received 3,501 applications and is progressing with 2,263, according to figures obtained by news.com.au.

The Department of Social Services has previously estimated the government could be liable for a payout of $77 million (US$49.35 million). Meanwhile, in response to the class action, the Australian Department of Health said, “The department is aware of a proceeding commenced today in the Federal Court of Australia by applicants represented by NR Barbi Solicitor Pty Ltd. As the matter is before the court, it is inappropriate to comment further.”

Since late last year, vaccine injuries have gained increasing recognition. Previously, health authorities censured medical professionals who questioned the efficacy of the jab—part of a wider effort to encourage vaccine takeup. In December 2022, former MP Dr Kerryn Phelps and her partner revealed they suffered serious injuries from a COVID-19 vaccine and suggested that the actual number of adverse events linked to the jab was far higher than what official data showed.

Some medical practitioners continue to fight to be reinstated into their profession after being ousted for speaking out against the vaccine or mandates. In August 2022, the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency suspended the registration of North Brisbane GP William Bay after he interrupted a national Australian Medical Association conference in late July and told attendees to stop forcing vaccines on people.

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