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Around 400 Stranded Bahrainis Evacuated From UAE

A total of around 400 Bahraini nationals have been evacuated from the UAE so far.

Bahrain’s embassy in the United Arab Emirates, in cooperation with Foreign Affairs Ministry, facilitated the return of Bahraini nationals stranded in the UAE through operating several evacuation flights from Abu Dhabi International Airport and Dubai International Airport to Bahrain.

Bahraini Ambassador Shaikh Khalid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa affirmed the keenness of the embassy to support and facilitate the return of Bahraini citizens following the outbreak of Covid-19.

He added that the embassy has coordinated with Bahrain’s embassy in Japan along with the authorities in the UAE to evacuate 6 Bahraini students from Japan to Abu Dhabi and then to Bahrain.

The ambassador said that they had launched emergency hotlines to evacuate Bahraini citizens, he added that they’ve received more than 3500 calls with inquiries about the crisis. He added that a total of around 400 Bahraini nationals have been evacuated from the UAE so far.


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