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Around 4% of expats left Kuwait in 2020

Around 134,000 expatriates left Kuwait last year amid coronavirus-related restrictions, reducing the total number of foreigners in the Gulf country by 4 percent to reach 3.2 million, official figures have shown.

Indians took the lead in the numbers of the departing expatriates, accounting for 52 per cent of the total over the period from January to December, figures from Kuwait’s Public Authority for Civil Information.

The figure meant a drop of 69,592 in the overall number of the Indian community that stood at 989,270 at the end of 2020 against 1.5 million the previous year, according to the statistics carried by the Kuwaiti newspaper Al Rai.

Coming second is the Egyptian community that accounted for 22.5 per cent of the total number of foreigners who left Kuwait during the above-mentioned period. Around 30,032 Egyptians departed from Kuwait, cutting the overall number of their community in the country to 666,050 people at the end of last year against 696,082 in 2019, the figures have shown.


Gulf News

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