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Around 250 recruitment agencies shut down across UAE

A total of 250 privately owned recruitment offices have been shut down across the UAE as part of an effort to streamline the hiring of domestic workers.

The closures were implemented by the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MoHRE), Nasser bin Thani Al Hameli, Minister of Human resources and Emiratisaton, told members of the Federal National Council on Tuesday. He added that the closures had been carried out after the licenses of the various offices had expired.

Al Hameli added that domestic worker recruitment processes will be enabled only through Tadbeer centres from March 2021, in accordance with a 2017 decision to ensure the rights of domestic workers and employers in the country.

“Another 10 private offices are currently operating, but they will be closed by the end of March 2021. The closed recruitment offices have been replaced by 54 Tadbeer centres,” he added.

The Minister added that action had also been taken against 99 recruitment offices that had violated the closure order.

The first Tadbeer centres, which handle all recruitment processes for domestic workers like maids and nannies, were opened in the UAE in 2018. The MoHRE also stopped renewing licences for private domestic worker recruitment offices in 2017.


Gulf News

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