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Saudi Arabia

Arab Coalition Declares Two-Week Ceasefire in Yemen

The Arab Coalition declares a complete ceasefire in Yemen for two weeks starting today noon.

The coalition said the decision comes after an initial announcement on March 25 to endorse the internationally recognized Yemeni government’s decision to a ceasefire following a call by UN Secretary-General Special Envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths for warring parties to lay down their weapons.

“The coalition announces a comprehensive ceasefire in Yemen for a period of two weeks, starting on Thursday, April 9, at 12:00 am local time, which can be extended in order to create the appropriate conditions to implement the invitation of the UN Special Envoy for Yemen to hold a meeting between the legitimate government and the Houthis,” the coalition statement carried by the Saudi Press Agency read.

“The decision to implement this ceasefire came as a stand with the Yemeni people. We hope that there will be reciprocation from the Houthi militia to hold this ceasefire,” Arab Coalition spokesperson Col. Turki al-Maliki said.


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