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Apple Co-Founder Issues Stark AI Warning to All iPhone Owners – It Could Cost You Big Time

APPLE co-founder and tech entrepreneur Steve Wozniak has issued a stark warning over the advancement of artificial intelligence, saying we “can’t stop” its growth. The warning comes just days after Geoffrey Hinton, the “godfather of AI,” warned that the technology could be used by “bad actors.” 

Wozniak, who co-founded Apple with the late Steve Jobs, revealed a similar concern in a recent interview with the BBC. The 72-year-old told the news outlet that he is worried “bad actors” will take advantage of artificial intelligence and use it to deceive unsuspecting victims, gain personal information, or steal data.

“AI is so intelligent, it’s open to the bad players, the ones that want to trick you about who they are,” Wozniak said. He suggested that AI content should be labelled and regulated, claiming that big tech firms “feel they can kind of get away with anything” when using the technology right now. 

“A human really has to take responsibility for what is generated by AI,” Wozniak said. At the same time, the Apple co-founder admitted that regulation would not entirely solve the problem, hinting that some might use the money to swing things in their favour. 

In recent months, concerns have risen as to whether AI advancements will grow to the point where chatbots, robots, and other systems will replace human workers. Wozniak appears sceptical of this outcome, telling the BBC that AI can’t replace people because it lacks emotion.  At the same time though, he warned that the technology is still growing. “We can’t stop the technology,” Wozniak said.

Ultimately, he believes that people can be prepared and grow alongside it and become better at spotting fraudulent content or cyber scams. Recently, Wozniak joined more than 1,000 people including Elon Musk in signing an open letter that called for a six-month halt in the development of AI systems. The letter was prompted by the release of GPT-1, a more powerful and advanced version of the technology used by the popular chatbot ChatGPT.


The U.S. Sun
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