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Andrew Tate in Uncensored One-On-One Interview With Tucker Carlson

Tucker Carlson’s monologue reflects on the constant emasculation of American men. Specifically, he pointed to the “grotesque” feminist experiments of trying to snatch manhood away from boys and men.”What would it be like to find yourself the subject of that experiment, as a boy trying to become a man during the Biden years?”

“Well, you might kill yourself. Many have. You might decide to reject your own manhood and embrace androgyny or even switch sexes. ‘Girls are better?’ ‘Fine, I’ll become one. ‘Or more likely, you might simply withdraw into porn and weed and video games and give up on your life before it’s begun.”

This led to Tucker introducing Andrew Tate who argues for a different way for boys to become men, pointing out that men want respect above all things, and thus must earn it by, among other things, staying sober, finding God, and living a healthy lifestyle.

Tate says he is attacked for emphasizing the importance of having a masculine presence in a relationship with a woman in order to have a functioning society. He said elites are trying to “instil cowardice” in men and elicit compliance in society.

Regarding the charges against him, Tate believes the Romanian government “coerced” the women to come forward, explaining that there is no evidence of actual crimes. “I would hate to come across as a conspiracy theorist, but I kind of have a feeling that it might have something to do with my influence in an attempt to slander my name,” he said.

“But the fact that they chose such a heinous crime, and they report it so heavily, and they won’t shut up also considering the fact that people who actually commit heinous crimes have way more favourable press coverage. But I don’t want you to think that I’m a conspiracy theorist. Please, Tucker, I would hate for you to come here and call me crazy.”

Specifically, Tate believes they silenced him because “he’s helping men to resist the slave programming. “Tucker asked him what he did in prison. The answer was simple and ominous… “Smoked cigarettes, did pushups, and read the Quran… and I don’t want to go back…”

The discussion was wide-ranging including his thoughts on the war in Ukraine:  “If you are naïve enough to believe that there are good guys and bad guys in wars and it’s as simple as good & bad… you need to do a little more investigation…” to which Tucker replied: “That’s the truest thing. Anyone who doesn’t understand that should shut the f*ck up.”

Click here to read more.


Zero Hedge
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