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Airline staff asked to lose weight or face penalties

Gulf Air has demanded its employees lose weight and warned those who don’t with penalties, Bahraini newspaper Al Watan has reported.

The paper quoted the head of the airline’s hospitality department as saying that directives had been issued to its staff, demanding them to shed 12 per cent of their body weight by the end of this month.

Those who do not observe this will risk a warning of non-compliance with orders,” the official said.

After the two-week deadline, employees will have their bodyweight checked to ensure compliance.

“Anyone to be found not to have reduced weight will get a warning or go on holiday until he/she reaches the targeted weight,” the official said without elaborating the required ideal weight.

The airline mainly targets onboard crews including air hosts and pilots, according to the paper.

So far, there has been no comment from Gulf Air.

Earlier this month, the airline’s flight attendants started to wear personal protective costumes, face masks and gloves as part of precautions against the spread of COVID-19.


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