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Air India Express: New PCR test rule for India to Dubai flights

Indian carrier Air India Express (AIE) on Wednesday night announced that copies of COVID-19 PCR test reports submitted by Dubai-bound passengers from India must have a QR code linking to their original test report.

“Also, the time of sample collection (date and time of sample collection) and sample reporting (date and time of test result) must be mentioned accurately,” the airline said in the latest COVID-related travel updates posted on Twitter.

The airline said the move follows an advisory from the Dubai Health Authority (DHA).

The airline also did not immediately respond to passengers’ questions on when the rule would come into effect and if it no longer required test reports in the original letterhead of the laboratory issuing the result, along with its seal and signs, as previously.

As per the latest rules, passengers from India, at the time of boarding, must produce a negative COVID-19 PCR test report issued not more than 72 hours prior to the departure of the flight to Dubai.

Children under the age of 12 and passengers who have a moderate or severe disability are exempt.


Gulf News

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