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Air India CEO Receives Show Cause Notice After Pilot Entertains Female Friend in Cockpit

Aviation regulator DGCA has issued a show cause notice to Air India CEO Campbell Wilson for the airline’s lapses in reporting the incident of a pilot allowing a female friend inside the cockpit during a Dubai-Delhi flight on February 27, according to a senior official.

A show cause notice has also been issued to the airline’s Head of Safety, Security and Quality Functions Henry Donohoe.

A cabin crew member of the flight had filed a complaint with the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) about the pilot allowing a woman friend into the cockpit. The incident happened on February 27.

The show cause notices were issued to the Air India CEO and head of flight safety on April 21 for not doing timely reporting of the incident to DGCA, which is in violation of the regulator’s safety instructions, the senior official at the DGCA told PTI on Sunday.

Besides, there was a delay in investigating the incident. Both the executives have been given 15 days to respond to the show cause notices, the official said.


Khaleej Times

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