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AI – No Human Coders in 5 Years?

Authored by Peter H. Diamandis, MD and Steve Brown

Rather than eliminate coders, the emergence of this AI tech is more likely to turn any and all of us into coders. With generative AI coding, anyone can simply express what they desire in natural language (in my case English), and the generative AI will convert it into usable code—transforming your ideas into reality in seconds. In this fashion, the tech will allow a doctor, lawyer, or small business owner to describe their desires, with the AI then automating code generation and task optimization.

By eliminating barriers that once blocked creativity, anyone can build systems that solve problems and create value for society. We’re all creators and coders now. But in this new environment, does it still make sense to learn how to code? Should your kids continue to learn Python or another programming language?

This is a skill that will be increasingly important. While it is true that AI has enabled machines to speak English, if you really want to collaborate with AI and harness its power, learning the native language of AI will give you a distinct advantage. It’s how you go from a “naive end-user” to an actual creative partner, problem solver, and critical thinker.

Technology has always allowed individuals to do more, faster. Robotic farm equipment has increased the output of a farmhand by 1000x, while computers have empowered investors, scientists, and digital artists by orders of magnitude. Now AI, in a somewhat recursive manner, enables our best AI programmers to amplify their skills and programming prowess 100-fold.

AI-enabled programming is a superpower for both novice and experienced coders. AI tools such as Replit and Github’s Copilot are helping developers automate redundant workflows, learn faster, work more efficiently, and scale their productivity.

For example, researchers at Microsoft have found that software developers using AI assistants completed tasks 55% faster than those not using AI assistants. And an MIT study showed that the top 5% of programmers performed orders of magnitude better while partnering with AI. Now and for the near future, the best coders are humans working with AIs.

By democratizing humanity’s ability to code and by amplifying the abilities of our best coders by 100x using AI, we are supercharging our future. In one sense, we are accelerating the rate of technological advancement. It also means that the tools we have available for problem-solving are more powerful than ever before.

At the same time, AI’s ability to learn and improve itself means that we’re increasing not only the quantity but the quality of code and solutions that we produce, leading to new AI-powered breakthroughs.


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