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After black fungus, white fungus hits Covid-stricken India

Even as a black fungus endemic looms over the coronavirus-ravaged India, there’s another threat that is baffling medical experts. According to Indian media reports, cases linked to white fungus infection, considered to be more dangerous than black fungus, have been traced in Bihar.

Four cases of white fungal infection have been reported from Patna in Bihar, and one of the infected patients is a famous doctor from Patna, the reports said.

White fungus infection is more dangerous than black fungus because it affects the lungs as well as other parts of the body, including nails, skin, stomach, kidney, brain, private parts, and mouth, according to a report in the DNA.

Doctors have issued a warning saying that, unlike the black fungus, white fungus infection spreads more easily to vital organs, though there’s little evidence as to what exactly makes this new infection more threatening.

The report said a white fungus infection may be risky for pregnant women and children. Hence, proper emphasis should be laid on sanitisation since molds can be directly inhaled by a suspected patient.


Khaleej Times
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