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Abu Dhabi: Workplaces to raise capacity to 60 per cent

In a new circular issued by the Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Development (ADDED), business facilities in the emirate have been given the go-ahead to raise their workforce capacity to 60%.

The circular applies to both commercial and industrial workplaces in Abu Dhabi, with the department also calling on companies to continue adhering to strict precautionary guidelines against COVID-19.

Rashed Abdul Karim Al Balooshi, the undersecretary of ADDED, said the new work implementation would help to bring the business sector back to its feet and to a gradual rise in productivity for the private sector.

Al Balooshi added that health and safety protocols would also need to be followed by companies, including daily body temperature checks and remote work guidelines for employees suffering from chronic diseases.

Other guidelines mentioned in the circular included the need for employees to wear both faces masks and gloves during official workings hour. The circular also added that social distancing of at least two metres would have to be observed along with restricting areas where crowds of five people or more can gather together.

The department said that inspection teams would be sent out on regular visits to ensure the strict compliance of its new regulations, with penalties to be imposed on companies found to be in violation.

The latest circular comes as part of a series of recent measures by Abu Dhabi as the emirate looks to reopen.


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