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Abu Dhabi announces new entry procedures from Monday

The Abu Dhabi Emergency, Crisis and Disasters Committee on Thursday approved new entry requirements for Abu Dhabi from Monday, July 19th, as part of proactive efforts to prevent COVID-19 mutated variants.

Those entering the emirate with a DPI test to stay for 48 hours or more will have to take a PCR test on day 3 of entry. And those who entered Abu Dhabi to stay for seven days or more must take a PCR test on day 7 of entry.

The procedures apply to both vaccinated and non-vaccinated citizens and residents. As per the new requirements, DPI tests cannot be used to enter Abu Dhabi for consecutive times.

The committee reiterated the need for community members to abide by preventive measures and maintain social distancing and wear masks in public places to preserve public health.

The committee also updated the operating capacity of a number of activities in the emirate. It also approved capping operating capacity of public beaches and parks, swimming pools, gyms, spas, and spas in hotels, public transport buses to 50 per cent.

The committee also caps the operating capacity to shopping malls to 40 per cent, and 30 per cent for theatres. The number of passengers in five-seated cabs is limited to a maximum of three passengers, while the number of passengers should not exceed four in the seven-seated taxis.


Gulf News

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