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Abu Dhabi: School teachers to undergo COVID-19 test every 2 weeks

Teachers and administrative staff of private schools in Abu Dhabi will have to undergo a Covid-19 test once in every two weeks to ensure their safety and to protect students attending in-class lessons amid the pandemic, authorities have said.

The Abu Dhabi Department of Education and Knowledge (Adek) pointed out that it had obligated private schools in the emirate to have their staff, including teachers and administrative staff, to have a Covid-19 test prior to reopening and receiving of students at the beginning of the current school year.

Adek said it had also set a timetable for retesting of the staff once in every two weeks to ensure that they are not infected with the virus.

Officials said the mandatory Covid-19 test was one of the conditions for the schools to obtain a ‘no-objection’ certificate to reopen for in-class lessons.

Adek had stressed the need for private schools to be flexible and continue providing remote learning programmes to students in light of the gradual return of the in-class system amid the Covid-19 situation.

The education regulators also highlighted the importance of cooperation between schools and health authorities and to adhere to precautionary measures, including wearing face masks, maintaining social distancing and daily temperature checks, to ensure a safe learning environment.


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