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Abu Dhabi rolls out COVID-19 saliva tests in more schools

Abu Dhabi has rolled out COVID-19 saliva testing for children enrolled in schools covered by government’s second phase of implementation of alternatives to nasal swabs.

The saliva Polymerase-Chain-Reaction (SPCR) test is considered an innovative and reliable test, whose results are produced fast and accurately in a period ranging between 6 and 12 hours from the time of sample collection, state news agency WAM reported.

SPCR tests for COVID-19 were conducted in the Al-Rabeeh School in Abu Dhabi for students between 4 and 12 years of age, after obtaining parental consent. During this phase, 447 saliva samples were collected, and the results of the collection and examination process were successfully verified. The second phase has been launched across 25 schools in December with more than 2,000 students examined so far.

This phase will continue to collect samples from students in private and charter schools across the Emirate selected by the health authorities as per the epidemiological needs of the investigation, and in coordination with the Department of Education and Knowledge, the report added.

The SPCR test has a high degree of accuracy and involves fewer steps, with saliva being collected in a sterile container that does not require special preservatives, temperature controls, or additional containers, WAM added.


Arab News

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