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Abu Dhabi updates new arrival rules for UAE residents

The Abu Dhabi Emergency, Crisis and Disasters Committee has updated travel procedures for citizens and expat residents of Abu Dhabi returning from travel abroad, effective from tomorrow – Monday, July 5.

Vaccinated travellers arriving from green list destinations must take a PCR test on arrival without the need to quarantine, and take a PCR test on Day 6. When arriving from other destinations, they must take a PCR test on arrival, quarantine for seven days and take a PCR test on Day 6.

The protocol applies to vaccinated UAE citizens and residents who received their second dose at least 28 days earlier, documented in the vaccine report on Al Hosn app.

Unvaccinated citizens and residents arriving in Abu Dhabi from green list destinations must take a PCR test on arrival without the need to quarantine, and take a PCR test on Days 6 and 12. When arriving from other destinations, they must take a PCR test on arrival, quarantine for 12 days and take another PCR test on Day 11.


Gulf News

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