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Abu Dhabi: Movement restrictions, new entry rules begin tomorrow

The new COVID-19 safety measures in Abu Dhabi will come into effect from tomorrow, July 19 — the first day of the Eid Al Adha break.

The new measures include movement restrictions, testing and entry rules, and reduced capacity at malls, cinemas and other public spaces.

The Abu Dhabi Emergency, Crisis and Disasters Committee has also issued safety guidelines to be followed by residents for Eid Al Adha.

National Sterilisation Programme

  • Movement restrictions apply from midnight to 5am.
  • There will be no transportation services.
  • Residents must stay at home; they must only step out if absolutely necessary, or to get essential supplies such as food and medicine.
  • Residents can apply for a movement permit via their website.

Reduced capacity

  • Restaurants, cafes, beaches and parks, capacity has been reduced from 60 to 50%.
  • Public transport buses will operate at half capacity — down from 75% earlier.
  • Shopping malls will operate at 40 per cent capacity and cinemas at 30%.
  • A maximum of three passengers may travel in a five-passenger taxi and four in a seven-passenger one.

New entry rules

  • Entry to the Emirate is allowed within 48 hours of receiving a negative PCR test result and within 24 hours of receiving a negative DPI result.
  • Those entering with a negative PCR result must take another on days four and eight after entry.
  • Those entering with a DPI test result must take a PCR test on days three and seven. A DPI test cannot be used to enter Abu Dhabi consecutive times.

Eid Al Adha rules

  • Sacrificial donations, distributions and payments are to be arranged with charitable organisations within the UAE.
  • The three apps approved for this purpose are Zabehaty, Zabayeh Al Jazeera, and Dhabayeh Al Emarat.
  • Sacrifices must only be conducted at approved abattoirs that provide drive-through services to customers.
  • Procuring the services of butchers offering at-home services is prohibited.

Who can’t attend Eid prayers

  • Individuals under 12 and over 60 years old.
  • Those with chronic illnesses or respiratory symptoms.
  • COVID-19 patients and those living with them.


Khaleej Times

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