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Abu Dhabi launches new healthy eating drive to curb obesity

The UAE’s capital has launched a new drive to encourage healthy eating habits and curb obesity in a strategy which will see foods labeled for calories and nutritious food choices promoted on menus.

Abu Dhabi Public Health Center has launched out the SEHHI program, which will see healthy food items have a SEHHI logo placed next to them on menus. Foods will also have the calories content displayed.

Supermarkets and grocery stores will also be encouraged to promote and display nutritious foods on sale in food and beverage outlets under the initiative which aims to empower residents in the capital to make healthy food choices, state news agency WAM reported on Saturday.

The strategy aims to boost lifestyle habits; helping people to live longer and healthier lives while easing pressure on health services.

A comprehensive classification process has also been established to identify foods that fall under the SEHHI program, with the criteria considering calorie count, total fats, saturated and trans fats, sugar, salt, and fiber amounts.

Food outlets will also be able to input details about their food items into a digitized platform that will review and analyze the nutritional value of their dishes, identifying those that meet the SEHHI criteria.

Participating entities will receive guidance and a series of trainings to ensure the optimal implementation of the program, WAM said.


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