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Abu Dhabi installs AI radars to monitor motorists

New radars powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) have been activated on various roads in Abu Dhabi to monitor and catch motorists who do not stop at pedestrian crossings.

According to the police, the smart system, named ‘Hather’ (Be Careful), aims to alert drivers to adhere to traffic rules and prioritise pedestrians crossing from designated areas for their safety. After a successful pilot phase, the authorities said it was currently studying the new smart system near schools and commercial centres in Abu Dhabi.

The new radars detected several violating vehicles during the pilot phase and sent only instructive messages to drivers informing them about the importance of stopping vehicles completely when pedestrians are crossing the roads in the designated areas.

Motorists will be fined Dh500 and awarded six black points for not giving way to pedestrians. Jaywalking invites a fine of Dh400 in the Emirate.


Khaleej Times

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