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Abu Dhabi enrolls more than 10,000 people in COVID-19 vaccine trial

More than 10,000 people from 20 different nationalities have now enrolled for the third phase of the inactivated vaccine trials in Abu Dhabi.

Inspired by the UAE leadership’s vision and commitment to overcome the pandemic through a global collaborative effort, the Abu Dhabi Health Services (Seha) has started conducting new clinical trials for phase III of inactivated vaccine to combat COVID-19.

The trials are being conducted under the supervision of the Department of Health – Abu Dhabi, and in collaboration with G42’s Sinopharm CNBG.

Dr Nawal Ahmed Alkaabi, CMO of Sheikh Khalifa Medical City, and Chairperson of the National COVID-19 Clinical Management Committee, lauded the UAE leadership’s keen support to the clinical trials, aimed at making providing a feasible Covid-19 vaccine and making it available to the people in need worldwide.

More than 10,000 people have registered as volunteer. Registration is still open to volunteers interested in participating in the Phase III trials of Covid-19 inactivated vaccine in Abu Dhabi through the website  www.4humanity.ae.

Up to 15,000 volunteers are being sought to take part in the trial with a minimum of 5,000 participants in the first stage of the programme to ensure the robustness of the results.


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