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Abu Dhabi: Covid rules for attending events, exhibitions updated

Authorities in Abu Dhabi have updated Covid-19 safety measures to attend events and exhibitions.

In a circular sent to managers of hotels, museums, cultural and entertainment venues; and event organisers, the Department of Culture and Tourism (DCT) – Abu Dhabi said the new measures came into effect from October 13.

The new measures are:

>> Use the Green Pass protocol: This restricts entry to most public places in Abu Dhabi to Covid-vaccinated residents and tourists. A green status is activated for 30 days for vaccinated people after they take a PCR test. Those not eligible to take the vaccine get a seven-day Green Pass after a PCR test.

>> Negative result of a PCR test taken no more than 48 hours prior.

>> Face masks are mandatory.

>> EDE scanners at all entrances: The technology can detect a possible Covid-19 infection by measuring electromagnetic waves, which change when the RNA particles of the virus are present in a person’s body. The requirement is applicable with immediate effect at facilities that already have the technology. Others are obliged to adopt it “as soon as devices are available”.


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