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Abu Dhabi announces free parking for Eid Al Adha

Motorists in Abu Dhabi will enjoy the free parking throughout the Eid Al Adha holiday, authorities have announced.

The Integrated Transport Centre (ITC) of the Department of Municipalities and Transport in Abu Dhabi on Tuesday said surface public parking bays will be free of charge starting from Thursday, July 30 until Monday, August 3 at 7:59 am.

The ITC has urged the public to adhere to Mawaqif regulations and not to park their vehicles in prohibited areas or block the traffic flow.

Motorists have also been reminded to adhere to Mawaqif regulations regarding resident parking from 9:00pm to 8:00am to avoid being fined.

The fine for parking in residents-only parking spaces is Dh200 and the car is towed four hours after the ticket has been issued.


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