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Robots deployed in Abu Dhabi Airport To Fight COVID19

Abu Dhabi Airports is to use robotic technology to ensure staff and passengers are free from the threat of Covid-19.

The company has partnered with Tawazun Strategic Development Fund (TSDF) to launch the new CoDi BOT UGV (unmanned ground vehicle), designed and manufactured by UAE-based company Marakeb Technologies, an affiliate company of TSDF, for the disinfection of viruses including Covid-19.

The CoDi BOT UGV is being piloted this month throughout Abu Dhabi International Airport, including in staff areas and cargo facilities, as well as being used as part of cabin sterilisation processes on passenger aircraft.

CEO of Abu Dhabi Airports, Shareef Hashim Al Hashmi, said: “Working in close collaboration with Marakeb Technologies and Tawazun Strategic Development Fund, collectively we can reassure passengers and our frontline staff that we are taking every precautionary measure to ensure their safety against any virus threat now and in future,” Al Hashmi added.

Specifically ensuring aircraft cabins are kept clean and sterile, the CoDi BOT UGV is designed to be able to manoeuvre through airplane cabin, while ensuring the safety of its operators through remote control capability, using real-time video and high-speed 4G data connection.

The UGVs will be operated in conjunction with the extensive range of preventative measures implemented at Abu Dhabi International Airport in response to Covid-19, including thermal screening, nasal swabbing, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing, in line with the recommendations by the Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHAP).


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