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UAE: 5 records set by the Emirates

The United Arab Emirates, which turns 50 on Thursday, has a love of setting records.

  • Dubai’s shining achievement is the needle-shaped Burj Khalifa, the world’s tallest building. The 828-metre (2,717-feet) skyscraper, in glistening glass and steel, opened in the downtown area in 2010.
  • The world’s largest Ferris wheel, Ain Dubai, opened in October 2021. At 250 metres (820 feet) from the ground to the top of its rim, Ain Dubai (“Dubai Eye”) towers above the Bluewaters artificial island. Each of its 48 carriages can hold 40 people, and it takes 38 minutes to complete a full rotation.
  • Ras Al-Khaimah boasts of the world’s longest zipline. Jebel Jais Flight, which opened in January 2018, spans 2,831.88 metres (9,290 feet). Riders can reach speeds up to 150 kilometres (93 miles) per hour as they zip through the Hajar mountain range.
  • Dubai opened the world’s deepest swimming pool for diving in June. Deep Dive Dubai, an indoor facility for scuba diving, plumbs 60 metres (196 feet). Divers can explore a mock sunken city, play chess and navigate through caves.
  • Abu Dhabi, the UAE capital, has the world’s fastest rollercoaster. Formula Rossa, which simulates driving a Formula One car at a speed of up to 240 kilometres (150 miles) an hour, is located at the Ferrari World theme park and opened in November 2010.


Khaleej Times

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