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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia: Airline issues travel guidelines for 38 countries

Saudia has issued new travel guidelines for 38 countries with high rates of Covid-19 cases prior to borders reopening on May 17 for vaccinated citizens.

Before departure, Saudia requires travellers to obtain a PCR test result certificate from an accredited screening centre in the kingdom.

On arrival, travellers must quarantine at home for seven days and take a PCR test at the end of the week. Children under 8 are exempt.

Saudia is publishing the guidelines on its website. Citizens can check their eligibility and obtain permits if necessary. Conditions and guidelines are subject to constant updates without prior notice.

The list of countries includes India, Indonesia, Pakistan, the US, UK, UAE, Egypt, Kuwait, the Philippines, Malaysia, Morocco, Spain, Iraq, Ethiopia, Maldives, China, Switzerland, France, Italy, Austria, Bangladesh, Greece, Jordan, Kenya, Turkey, Germany, Bahrain, Lebanon, the Netherlands, Qatar, Singapore, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Nigeria, Tunisia, Oman and Mauritius.


The National News

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