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India: Daily coronavirus cases climb to new world record

India recorded 3,49,691 new Covid-19 cases, the highest single-day spike since the pandemic broke out last year.

According to the official data issued by the Union Health Ministry, the country has recorded 2,767 new deaths due to Covid-19 in the last 24 hours.

The country’s total infection count has mounted to 1,69,60,172 cases, while 1,92,311 people have so far succumbed to the viral infection so far.

Currently, there are 26,82,751 active Covid-19 cases in the country, said the official data of the ministry.

As many as 1,40,85,110 recoveries have been reported so far, out of which 2,17,113 were reported in the last 24 hours.


Khaleej Times

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