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Saudi Arabia

Saudia to resume flights for 33 destinations in November

The Saudi national carrier Saudia plans to resume operations to 33 destinations next month, more than a month after the kingdom partially restarted international flights.

The planned services feature flights in Asia to Islamabad, Lahore, Delhi, Mumbai, Dhaka, Guangzhou, Jakarta, Karachi, Kochi, Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Multan, and Peshawar.

Saudia flights in the Middle East next month will cover Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, Kuwait, Beirut, Dubai and Oman, according to Okaz newspaper.

In Africa, the airline will fly to Addis Ababa, Cairo, Alexandria, Khartoum, Tunis and Nairobi. The operation schedule includes eight more destinations in Europe and the US, namely Paris, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, London, Madrid, Milan, Istanbul and Washington.

The carrier urged passengers to comply with travel precautions against COVID-19, noting that flight booking hinges on availability.


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