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Saudi Arabia

Saudia announces guidelines for international travellers

Saudia has announced seven guidelines for passengers returning to Saudi Arabia, along with safety requirements for outbound passengers from Saudi to 25 countries.

The new measures fueled speculations over the resumption of international flights after nearly six months of suspension in the wake of travel restrictions.

Guidelines for inbound passengers

  • According to the Saudia, all passengers should sign a completely filled health disclaimer form, which has to be handed over to the health control center upon arrival at the airport.
  • Passengers will have to undergo seven days of self-quarantine at home (three days for health practitioners with negative PCR results at the end of the self-quarantine period).
  • All travelers should download and register on Tatamman and Tawakkalna applications and should assign home location through the Tatamman app within 8 hours of arrival.
  • Also, they should monitor COVID-19 symptoms, and immediately call 937 if any symptoms appeared or go to the primary healthcare center or emergency if necessary.
  • Guests also have to do daily health assessments in the Tatamman app. They should follow precautionary procedures during self-quarantine at home as stated in the health disclaimer form.
  • The disclaimer form signed by passengers includes full information about travellers such as name, residence, and contact details.
  • Saudi Arabia has suspended international flights in mid-March, to help contain the COVID-19 outbreak. The country resumed the domestic flights in late May, with persuasions such as wearing masks and enforcing social distancing.

Saudia also announced the requirements for flying to 25 countries, including the UAE, Oman, Kuwait, Bahrain, Egypt, Lebanon, Tunis, Morocco, China, the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Austria, Turkey, Greece, Bangladesh, the Philippines, Malaysia, South Africa, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria and Indonesia.

Travellers to Bahrain will be charged around $80 (BD 30) for the COVID-19 test upon arrival and another $80 (BD 30) for the exit test at the end of the quarantine period. Also, all passengers must go for self-isolation for 10 days.

For more information, visit the Saudia website.


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